Sep 29, 2021
As part of the ongoing efforts to champion our community, Daily Paper in partnership with Top Notch and Triple Threat combined their efforts and collaborated in the design of the Triple Threat basketball kits for their upcoming 2021/2022 season.
The collaboration saw Daily Paper, Triple Threat and Top Notch invest back into the community through collaborative workshops as a starting point. The first workshop held in August was aimed towards the Triple Threat’s youth group initiative entitled "NEXT GEN". With the sole purpose of inspiring the youth by motivating into pursuing their dreams of endless possibility while giving the attendees a deeper look into the Daily Paper brand and what we stand for. Starting the day, led by the Daily Paper press team - The “Next Gen” group walked through the in-season FW21 collection entitled ‘Ancestral Anarchy’. Following the day with a presentation with Daily Paper internal teams which gave them first hand advice on tapping into your creative skill set from design ideation and selling.

See below some of the soundbites and favourite quotes from each of the NEXT GEN workshop attendees.

"I really love the story that three African youngsters have become so big. What really inspired me is that everyone at Daily Paper have once stood in my shoes which means I have what it takes to stand were they are standing right now. Hard works pays off."
Quote: "There is no path to happiness, happiness is the path."

"I really like how the whole team was really involved in the day and how they shared their passion with us"
Quote: "All people smile in the same language"

"What really inspired me is that the people at Daily Paper always remember and honour were they came from and that besides your success, it is important to appreciate yourself."/p>
Quote: "Chase where you aiming for"

"Really loved the vibe, personal stories and warmth."
Quote:"Chop your own wood and warm yourself twice"

"The personal stories inspired me the most because It motivated me to also reach my goals in life."
Quote: "Instead of obsessing over the things that you can’t change, focus on the things that you can change."

"What inspired me the most were the stories behind Daily Paper. I was inspired a lot be this part."
Quote: "Don’t follow the rules, follow your own rules.

"What really inspired me was the stories of Karim and Nathan. They acknowledged the importance of a good job and really emphasised how important it is to have a job that you love. Money is good, but there is more to it."/p>
Quote: "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."

"Karim’s speech about mental health and enjoyment gave me a motivation boost"
Quote: "Make money, Don’t let money make you"

"I liked the inspiring success stories of Nathan and Karim. The showed that everything is possible as long if you have discipline and motivation"
Quote: "You get what you give."

"Amazing experience and very useful lessons. What I liked most was hearing the stories of the people working at Daily Paper and how they handled their struggles"
Quote: “Chase dreams, not money.”